Some very basic questions!

How to deploy a build? The client app resides at /ketida-client folder.

Hi @augu – have you had a look at our deployment guide here:

Please let us know if you are running into a specific issue following those steps

Thanks for the reply. So I was trying to get a build of the local client app and deploy it in docker to serve it using npm serve. But the build command in missing in the package.json and tried using the official docker image, but this will be deploying from the gitlab.

image: cokoapps/ketty-client:latest
- ${CLIENT_PORT}:8080

Hey @augu ,

to create a production build for the client set NODE_ENV=production, SERVER_URL and WEBSOCKET_SERVER_URL to your specific values, and then run yarn coko-client-build. This will create a static js bundle in the _build directory inside the ketida-client folder, which can then be served via a docker image or a web server. You need to pass the server url variables in order for it to work though.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any more issues.
