The current version of Ketty does not support styling footnotes however it’s on our roadmap to reintroduce this functionality with a configureable editor. You can see this proposal here:
Hi @Dione , thanks for the reply. Do you have a (vague) timeline associated with those features? From my (narrow) perspective, the order of importance would be:
Some kind of quote/block format
Collaboration features like track-changes and highlighting
It would also be very nice to have user-defined paragraph and character styles (eg. define a “reference” character style that is, say, bold+italic and a “Quote” paragraph style that is, say, indented L&R, italic…etc…or is this something that is done via CSS? If the latter, then being able to refer to them in a pop-down in the editor would be useful, if that makes sense?
We’ve planned to have the first iteration of the configureable editor within 3 months. This could happen sooner with more support from the community.
A block quote style is already supported (see screenshot below) which is applied in the editor, and as you point out, the layout is controlled by the CSS template. We have 8 default templates currently and we’re happy to accept submissions of more templates from the community.